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Модератор форума: nesco, filds, Helgion, Men38  
Recycle_Or_DieДата: Суббота, 01.04.2017, 00:39 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Меломаны
Сообщений: 408
Protogos - Halifax-based duo of Stefan Bojczuk (synths and arr.) and Matt Shaw (samplers and processing). Stefan got some interest in Electronic Music already in the 1970's. Meeting Ian Boddy (another synthesizer enthusiast), Stefan discovered they had common interests, so they locked themselves into a studio, doing plenty of experimenting with analogue synths. After that, Steve played in rock / new wave bands. However, his own experiments continued and in 1990 he met Matt (who was very much into sample-based music at that time). Their collaboration yielded some results that are documented on Protogonos albums.

Protogonos - Occluded [FLAC] 2012

1 A Blue Sheet 5:56
2 Breaking Symmetry 3:12
3 Collapse 3:30
4 Frame Drag 4:58
5 HetErotic 5:36
6 Horizon Mist 2:00
7 Spontaneous Fine Tuning 4:03
8 Tachyon Protection 4:16
9 The Bulk 5:10
10 Transformations 5:28
11 Virtually 3:06


Добавлено (01.04.2017, 00:39)

Protogonos - The Set Of All Spaces [FLAC] 2015

Banarch Tarski 7:08
2 Calabi Yau 5:54
3 Cauchy Riemann 5:42
4 Kaluza Klein 3:54
5 Lens Thirring 9:44
6 Wheeler De Witt 5:35
7 Zermelo Fraenkel 5:00

Just in case you are wondering why...
Each track name is a pairing of two surnames of either physicists or mathematicians. They all see things about the world that the rest of us barely glimpse....
Google them if you want to find out more.


Сообщение отредактировал Recycle_Or_Die - Суббота, 01.04.2017, 00:07
salawatДата: Суббота, 01.04.2017, 13:36 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3944
https://protogonos.bandcamp.com/ - name your price

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